Why I Said “Goodbye” to Google Ads (And Why You Might Consider It, Too)

Mountain Dog Media is now ad-free, and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made for this site. While Google Ads (or other ad platforms) promise a quick and easy way to monetize content, there were some downsides I just couldn’t ignore anymore.

The Downsides of Ads

  • User Experience: Let’s be honest, no one likes ads. They interrupt reading, slow down page loading, and can even feel invasive with targeted content. I wanted my website to be a clean, enjoyable space for my audience, and ads were getting in the way.
  • Performance: Ads aren’t lightweight. They can add extra code and tracking scripts to your site, which can negatively impact your page speed. Slow sites frustrate visitors and can even hurt your search engine rankings.
  • Revenue Wasn’t Worth It: For smaller sites, the ad revenue can be pretty underwhelming. After factoring in the potential for user annoyance and performance issues, the small income just isn’t worth it for me.
  • Ethical Concerns: The targeted nature of ads is a bit unsettling. I don’t want to contribute to an online environment where people feel like their every click is being tracked and sold.

The Benefits of an Ad-Free Site

  • Happy Visitors: I really appreciate the cleaner, more focused experience and I hope my site visitors will as well.
  • Improved Performance: The site is noticeably faster, and I’m sure my bounce rate will improve as a result.
  • Creative Freedom: Without ads, I feel more free to design my site exactly the way I want, without having to consider how it might impact ad placements or visibility.

Finding Alternatives to Ads

Of course, removing ads might mean you need to find other ways to monetize your content or fund your website:

  • Affiliate Marketing: Recommending products or services you love and earning a commission on sales is a great way to earn without resorting to ads. I’m already an Amazon affiliate, so you might see future stories that highlight a product I use and recommend.
  • Direct Sales: I will have digital products (books, audio books), so I will likely use this website to sell them.
  • Memberships or Subscriptions: Once I have enough traction, I’m going to offer exclusive content or community access for a recurring fee.
  • Donations: Although you can give me a donation, I’m not really seeking donations. I want to earn your business by providing better content.
  • Sponsorships: I may partner with brands in future content, but I will be transparent if I do. I’m not sure If I’ll actually do this as I have reservations as well.

Is Going Ad-Free Right for You?

This depends entirely on your individual goals and values. If you prioritize a great user experience, are concerned about privacy, or simply aren’t seeing the returns you want from ads, then going ad-free might be worth exploring.

This is the right decision for this site at this time. As it matures and gains an audience, I may grandfather members who sign-up for notifications for an ad-free experience but show ads to visitors who are not members. We’ll see. I don’t need to make that decision today.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve considered removing ads from your site or have other monetization strategies you love!

J.W. Spencer